Hier vindt u antwoorden op de meest gestelde vragen over onze producten, diensten en leveringsprocessen.
Night deliveries are delivered the day of order between 7pm and 8am. Day deliveries are delivered during the next working day.
By filling in a return form on our website or click here . Return request can be used for unassembled new articles as well as for the return of scrap parts.
There is a specially prepared guarantee form on our website for this purpose or click here .
You can come to us for all truck parts, but our specialisation is mainly on truck brands MAN, Mercedes and Volvo. As an importer from Belgium, we distribute diagnostic devices from Jaltest .
We will be happy to help you with all your questions at +32(0)52 41 44 70 or mail to [email protected] .
You can revisit these at your leisure via this link .
If you have a safe and covered place accessible by transpallet, we can also provide overnight deliveries for you. Feel free to contact us to discuss the possibilities.